Elder Novakovich needs your help cooking on a missionary budget and time schedule - see below.
Elder Nyman and I are in desperate need of some good recipes. If you recall any other, cheap delicious meals, don't hesitate in sending them my way. I wan't to be known for being the kid who can cook well. I have also collected some delicious recipes from members. When all is said and done, I am hoping to have a nice collection for when I go back to college. It's amazing how cheap one can live when you have too. We spend about fourty dollars a week on food for our apartment. We have found this amazing breakfast thingy that keeps you full for hours upon hours, all the while being cheap and insanely tasty. If you want a amazing thing to help you with your weight loss, I would give this a shot:
The Breakfast of Wisdom!:
1 Cup of Old Fashioned Oats
1 or 2 Tablespoons Wheat Germ
1 or 2 Tablespoons Flax Seed
1 or 2 Tablespoons Wheat Bran
Almond Milk, for creamy texture
4 to 5 spoonfulls of Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt
Cup of Frozen Blueberries
1 Bannana.
Mix all the Dry ingredients into bowl and then add in 4 to 5 spoonfulls of Vanilla Yogurt. Add Almond Milk until creamy enough. Add the Frozen Blueberries and diced up bannanas to bowl. Enjoy.
This meal is perfect for keeping you full, as well as being healthy. I have had this at 7:00 in the morning and had it last till 4:00 in the afternoon multiple times.