I was curious about the Serbian National Anthem. I found the posted video - what a beautiful song. I suggested to the family that we learn the song so that we could sing it to Darren at the airport when he returned home. Unfortunately there were no takers. Below are the works in Serbian and the English translation. There are eight stanzas, but only first two are sung.
Bože pravde
Боже правде, ти што спасе
од пропасти досад нас,
чуј и одсад наше гласе
и од сад нам буди спас.
Моћном руком води, брани
будућности српске брод,
Боже спаси, Боже храни,
српске земље, српски род!
God of Justice; Thou who saved us
when in deepest bondage cast,
Hear Thy Serbian children's voices,
Be our help as in the past.
With Thy mighty hand sustain us,
Still our rugged pathway trace;
God, our hope; protect and cherish
Serbian lands and Serbian race!
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