Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10/2 Letter from Elder Novakovich

Things went really well this week.  I was extremely pleased to hear that Elder Gaykowski and I would be serving yet another transfer together.  We seem to be really clicking and it could definitely be seen in how the work is going.  A lot of exciting things are happening with John's baptism this Saturday.  We still don't know who will be baptizing him, so I guess I will let you know next week in my email.  I will be sure to include some pictures as well!  I am glad that Dad sent those pants, because the kid who I was going to borrow from is actually transferring out of here.  The transfer calls this time around were definitely a surprise to everyone in the district. Everyone, including myself, predicted that Elder Gaykowski would be leaving and Elder Cash(who I have never mentioned) would be leaving. 

Man I was so bummed when I heard that Utah State lost to BYU!  Ahh man, I had full expectations in Utah State winning yet again this year.  I am extremely impressed with the way the football program has performed thus far.  I saw the play where USU lost to Auburn and what a fluke that was!  If you take away a few defensive mistakes, USU is 4-0,, with a win against a ranked opponent.  What a change that is from the past years, where two wins was something to talk about.   I am glad that everyone had fun.  I wish I could of been there!

I wouldn't mind having conference once a month or so!  Some of those talks were outstanding!  I haven't heard so many talks about JUST the Book of Mormon in awhile during a conference session.  I guess it goes to show the importance of that book is to our conversion. 

Well things are going great!  I am happier than a pig in a poke (quote from bill).  It is crazy to think about it will be a year since I have been out in the field in a short while.  I can't even what life is like not dressing up in a white shirt and tie every single morning.  I never would have guessed that I would of reached that point, that's for sure. 

Well I love you so much.  Thank you for everything!  Good luck at work!  You are always in my prayers.

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